Why Hiring A Professional Cleaning Company

Reasons To Hire A Professional Move Out Cleaning Service

Whether you’re moving out of a rental or planning to put your old home on the market, your old place needs a thorough cleaning. To save money, you’ve probably considered DIY cleaning. But have you considered a move out cleaning service?

How much do you enjoy cleaning? Do you have the right cleaning supplies? Are you capable of in-depth cleaning for an inspection?

Reduce the Stress of Moving

If you’ve moved out before, you know just how stressful things can become. Packing up your life, hauling your belongings, and juggling your normal duties – all of which take a lot of time and energy.

Get Your Deposit Back

Outside of property damage, hiring a move out cleaning service increases the likelihood that you’ll get your full deposit back. Landlords are very meticulous and will jump on every chance not to return your deposit. From every corner of the kitchen to the carpet, every inch of your space must be clean so you can get your security deposit back.

Positive Impression from Potential Buyers

If you are trying to sell your previous home, hiring a move out cleaning service will help make your property move-in ready.


Helpful Carpet Cleaning Tips When Moving In or Out

Hire a Certified Carpet Cleaner:

Hire an IICRC Certified firm that uses modern, truck mounted equipment for your move out carpet cleaning. This will help ensure you hire a reputable company that knows what they are doing. These firms should also have the equipment to do the job well

Ask for Hot Water Extraction:

While there are many ways to clean carpet, hot water extraction (AKA Steam Cleaning) is regarded as the most thorough method and provides a deep, restorative carpet cleaning. Whether you are moving out, or you want move in carpet cleaning prior to taking occupancy, you want hot water extraction for a thorough, deep clean.

Schedule your Carpet Cleaning Properly to Coincide with the Movers:

If you are moving out, schedule your move out carpet cleaning once the movers have finished their work. If you are moving in, schedule your move in carpet cleaning for the day before the move.

Dealing With Carpet Pet Stains and Odor When Moving:

If you have carpet pet stains or odors that you can’t pinpoint, the last thing you want to do is put furniture on top of them. Pets often mark areas along walls. You don’t want to move a couch or a dresser on top of that odor and then always wonder where the smell is coming from. Odors become far more intense in warm months, so you won’t realize there are pet odors until it gets hot outside.

The Carpet Has a Wrinkle That Needs to be Stretched or a Repair to be Done:

Over time, carpets can develop wrinkles or bubbles in them as the carpet ages, or due to poor installation. This can usually be fixed by stretching the carpet. You can’t do a good job of stretching carpet when it has furniture weighing it down.


Best Tips for Home and Apartment Cleaning Between Tenants

One aspect that’s not so great: cleaning and preparing rental properties for new occupants after past tenants leave. As a new landlord or property manager, you’ll find that this is one of the toughest parts of the job. Even if you’re well-versed in the business, you probably find preparing for a change in tenancy a constant challenge.

Attend the move-out inspection

The move out is an important part of the rental process, so make a point of being there. This is the one time tenants can dispute property damages; attending helps you avoid paying for false claims submitted in writing.

Your presence also facilitates important conversations such as stipulating exactly which remaining damages or repairs are the tenants’ responsibility, and which are yours. It’s also a good time to hand over any associated move-out rebates and avoid possible haggling later on.

Maintain photographic records for all properties

Visual evidence is the best way to defend your position should any disputes or additional charges arise after a tenant moves out. Photographs aren’t always taken as absolute proof, but they are a good way to clear matters up, as well as maintain a record of what the property looks like over time.

Check utility accounts

Don’t assume that tenants will switch utilities off or close their accounts when they move out.


Your Guide to Keeping a Clean House

It is always important to keep a clean house. It is even more important now, to keep your surfaces in your home disinfected.

With everything going on in the world, it’s easy to become distracted. If you are now working from home, you still need to be productive and get your job done. Luckily, it times of uncertainty, accomplishing tasks can give you a feeling of control and normalcy.

For people who do not have time off from their busy schedule and time to clean their home, then cleaning of the home and working on other tasks at home can be overwhelming. Most of the people coming home from a stressful day at work make them spend their time lazing around without any craving to do some cleaning work at home. After your busy weekdays when you come home makes you feel terrible to find a messy house. To make the task easy, you can schedule or divide chores over several days. So it is time to do home cleaning.

If you’ve ever used a “magic eraser” around your home, then you know just how effective they can be in removing stains, dirt, and grime from all kinds of surfaces. But have you ever taken the time to really consider how these amazing little sponges work? By having a better understanding of how magic erasers work and the best ways to use them, you can make the most of your purchase.

Nowadays, new cleaning innovations for making life easier hit the market almost every day. This constant innovation makes today’s cleaning products and tools better than they were before. However, there are also people who get enticed by numerous hacks and tips online that promise better and easier cleaning. Most of these “helpful” tips and life hacks are not based on pure science and may cause you more harm than good in doing simple cleaning tasks.


Tips for Cleaning Your Home When Moving Out

If you’re moving out of your current apartment or home, you need to clean the space.  Truth is, though, you probably won’t be as enthused about cleaning as you were when you first moved in.  Still yet, even though you won’t be living in the space anymore, it’s best to leave the space sparkling clean. For those of you who are renting, you can raise the likelihood of getting your deposit back by cleaning up before you leave.   If you’re selling your home, it needs to be clean so you can get top dollar from a buyer.

Empty and Defrost the Refrigerator and Freezer

Wipe down all shelves and walls inside the refrigerator and freezer.  If you can pull the shelves and drawers all the way out, run them through the dishwasher with some type of bleaching agent

Scrub the Sinks, Appliances and Countertops

No one wants come into a home to see food residue left behind by the previous renter or owner. Your goal should be to make the kitchen totally grease-free zone before moving out.

Wipe Down the Kitchen Cabinets

This tip is really simple.  All you need is a damp rag and a water of hot soapy water.  Wash down the cabinets and let them dry

Clean the Stove and Oven

If you’re lucky enough to have a self-cleaning oven, there’s no excuse for leaving behind a dirty oven.  If you have to clean the oven yourself, make sure to follow this helpful guide.  And don’t forget to clean around the burners on the stove, as well.

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